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Common Reading : Journals and Databases

Journals and Databases


Begin research on related topics for this year's Common Reading using "homelessness," "public education," "high school" and "college" as keywords in the Full Text Journal Listing's title search. The titles below are three examples.

  • Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless
  • High School Journal
  • College Student Journal





Journals, unfortunately, do not offer easy subject searching; databases do. Below are listed a few of the databases which may provide information for topics discussed or used in the Common Reading.

Points of View Reference Center

Academic Search Complete (for general articles on diverse topics)

Education Source (for education and its related issues and topics)

ERIC (EBSCOhost)  (for education and its related issues and topics)

SocIndex with Full Text (for the social issues and concerns associated with the issues of race, gender, economics, and the legal system)

Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCOhost): for drug abuse, child neglect, and other legal issues

PsycINFO (for articles concerning human personality and behavior)


Other resources and databases can be found in the Electronic Resources research guide; the resources list also has a subject guide for easier research.


Subject Guide

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Frances Marshall
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