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Shepherd University Archives-- Reading Room Displays: Reading Room Display Fall2023--Transportation_at_Shepherd


1873-Horses were most used

1879-1st train comes direct to Shepherdstown

1910- Young Women's Christian Association members will meet any incoming girl at the Shepherdstown train station and bring them to campus (College catalog)

1913- December Classes will start at 8:45 am in winter to give commuters from outside town to care for their beasts

1924 - College catalog lists the trains and approximate times of arrival at or near Shepherdstown

1931- If a student is at the Shenandoah Junction or Martisnburg train stations, they can call the campus and the "campus car" will be sent to fetch them (college catalog "How to Reach Shepherdstown" section)

1934-Bus service is available at Martinsburg, Hagerstown and Shenandoah Junction to Shepherdstown

1954-The college catalog has a Motor Vehicle registration policy. Students can be denied the privilege of using their vehicles by the Dean of Students

1960-According to the Student Handbook, a Resident Freshman (a non-commuter) could NOT own a car on campus. Shepherd College stickers are provided by the Personnel Office for all registered vehicles on campus--and registration of vehicles was done at start of term

1970- a $3.00 parking fee was assessed per every student who brought their own vehicle to campus. (campus catalog under Finances)

2001-Bus service on campus through Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority

2013- The underpass for pedestrians from East to West Campus is constructed

2023-Campus map shows current parking lots

Hold Your Horses! Transportation at Shepherd: 1873-2023




Many Shepherd students use cars to arrive at Shepherd's campus. Others do not. How do students get  to and around campus today if they do not own a car? How did students get to campus before the automobile?

This Fall Term's display titled "Hold Your Horses! Transportation at Shepherd: 1873-2023" explores the methods of getting to (and around) campus from the earliest days to the present.



Display photo taken by Ms. Tara Carlisle

Photos of the Display--Fall Term


Photo Descriptions and Credits

2023 Fall Display Center of Case (photos are in order from the back of the case


Shepherdstown Register Jan 11.1879 page 2

Railroad Crossing sign sticker

Copy of Young Women's Christian Association photo, 1913

1924 College Catalog, trains and times

Model cars "parking issues" (center)

$3.00 on-campus parking fee from 1970

2023 Campus map

Hampshire Review and South Branch Intelligencer Jan 7, 2013-Article on SU underpass


 Display title and sources (right side of display)



Photos taken by Ms. Tara Carlisle

Finding Out More--An Invitation to Research

Information on transportation to and at Shepherd can be found in diverse places: the college catalogs, the PICKET student newspaper, the student handbooks  the campus website (for the most up-to-date information), and the local area newspapers.


The library's Community Reading Room contains the following items related to this display:

  • College catalogs from 1874-2011

Other items found in the Community Reading Room that are Shepherd University related include:

  • A set of the college yearbooks
  • Published works by past and present faculty members of the university (Faculty Publications)

Also check out the Local History shelf in the Community Reading Room; this shelf has books specific to Jefferson County, West Virginia and other local points of interest.

2023 Fall Display Left Side

From the back of the display to the front

Horses and wagon

Homecoming Parade pictures, 1950 (automobile)

Page from Student Handbook, 1960

2023Fall Display Right Side

From the back of the case to the front:

Model cars (3), blue


SU Picket article from Feb 2014

Items Related to the Display--

Course Catalogs (print)*

Course Catalogs (online)

Pictures of Individuals and Groups Related to Shepherd College

Shepherd College student Handbooks (1951-1972)

Shepherd University Student Handbooks

PICKET (1896-2012) *

PICKET 1896-2000 (online)


*The catalog record only covers a portion of the volumes that are part of these collections; there are other catalog records