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Shepherd University Archives-- Reading Room Displays: Reading Room Display Summer2019-Debate

Gentlemen and Ladies' Debate and Oration

The Literary Societies were not the only organizations where debate practice occurred in the early twentieth century. During President Thomas Miller's tenure, two clubs arose that carried on the skills of public speaking.

  • L'Extempo, or the Society: male only club for debate, extemporaneous speeches and oration.
  • Willard Club: female-only club for debate and public speaking


Photographs of these clubs are available in the print and digital collections in  the College Catalogs and in the Cohongoroota (circa 1912)

Reading Room Display Case

HistoryofDebateatShepherddisplay: includesafoldedyellowtie, sixbookson debate,threephotosofShepherddebateteams,a gavel,astopwatch,andapennant


Before There Was Football. . .

Debate and forensics is as old as Shepherd itself. 2019's Summer exhibit honors Shepherd University's Division I National Champion debate team by tracing the history of the academic contest at the university back through to the first recognized student organizations, the Parthenian and Ciceronian Literary Societies.



Shepherd University Debate

Our current debate team's affiliation is with the Political Science and Global Studies Department rather than the English or Communications departments, as in prior years.

Shepherd University Debate