STAGECRAFT: Theater at Shepherd 1898-2021
1898-Greek and Latin classes performed Iphigenia as part of an evening's entertainment
1906-Elocution Department becomes a formal department of Shepherd College
1910's-1920's--Plays are performed by organizations and produced by classes (ex. Juniors), under the general direction of the Head of Elocution Department
1930's-1940's--Alpha Psi Omega (drama fraternity) keeps stagecraft going
1950's-1970's- Dr. Vera Malton creates a Drama Department; she and Mr. Wade Banks oversee all drama productions on campus
1963--In October, a drama group, The Shepherd Players, forms (Picket, Oct 16)
1981-Dr. Guy Frank and Dr. Jones launch 41-day Festival of the Arts to celebrate Contemporary Arts Center opening (this building is now the Frank Center
1991-State grants funds for theater festival (Contemporary American Theater Festival), directed by Ed Herendeen; CATF premieres in this year
2008- Contemporary Arts Center Phase I building dedicated
2021-CATF returns after COVID-19 pandemic causes its cancellation in 2020
*All bold text indicates an item inside the display case represents that time period
Shepherd loves performances--has always done so since its earliest days. This term celebrates the drama department from its beginnings until the present day, from portions of evening entertainments to the current Contemporary American Theater Festival (CATF) season.
From Picket reviews in 1898 to the Contemporary American Theater Festival in the present, see the people and places stagecraft occurred (and still occurs) on campus.
Left Side of the Display From the front of the case to the back
Right Side of the Display From the back of the case to the front
Center of the Display From front of the case to the back
Display Title and Sources |
All photographs of the display were taken by Ms. Jess Roberts
CATF, the Contemporary American Theater Festival, begun by Ed Herendeen in 1991, has been a July event for years, only halted by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The home page has a wide range of information and presentations, including a new section of video programs called "Unmuted Library" that explore topics that have been shared in contemporary theater.
The Rude Mechanicals is a Shepherd University drama group that focuses on ancient, medieval and Renaissance plays. This drama group is part of the English and Modern Languages Department. The group's faculty advisor is Dr. Ellzey.