1842-Clock built for town to be placed in what will be Trinity Episcopal
1860-Building erected for community purposes by Rezin D Shepherd (College catalog, 1985); clock moved to this tower
1871-First academic building on campus
1891-Perpetual lease of building granted to Shepherd College
1927-McMurran Hall officially named
1930- Poem and linoleum print in PICKET honoring the "OLD TOWN CLOCK"
1942-Article on town clock history indicates that as of 1942, it is 100 years old, and is still wound by hand once a week.
1951-McMurran Hall listed on a tour of historic places in Jefferson County (PICKET article gives brief history of former courthouse/current building)
1972-McMurran Hall on one face of the Shepherd College Centennial Coin
1976-Shepherdstown Bicentennial--Town seal depicts McMurran Hall, Rumsey Monument and Thomas Shepherd's Mill, going from right to left)
1982- 1993 McMurran and Reynolds Halls renovations begun
1993-McMurran Hall renovations complete; Alumni and Foundation Offices move in
2004- Shepherd University seal displays clock tower
2015-Talk given on clock/ McMurran Hall by Historic Shepherdstown Commission
2023-Shepherd University Service pins for full-time employees show McMurran
From the back of the display to the front
Copy of engraving of McMurran Hall (used in SC publication)
"McMurran Hall" page of Shepherdstown Sketchbook by Diana Suttenfield with transcript of text and $1 bill (the fine for "loafing on or near 'the Wall'" in 1895)
CD of images of McMurran Clock; set on open pages of See Shepherd's Town III, book open to title page and Town Seal
Because McMurran Hall is not only part of Shepherd University campus but is also a town touchstone, it is likely that the building is depicted or described in books written about the town.
Memories/ Mary Bedinger Mitchell
See Shepherd's Town/ Bicentennial Commission (Shepherdstown, W Va)
The oldest (and still-used) building on Shepherd University campus is McMurran Hall with its stunning clock tower, which serves both town and campus. This term's display explores both the history of the building and its clock and the many artistic depictions of McMurran Hall over the years, mostly by Shepherd students, written or visual.
Display photo taken by Ms. Rhonda Donaldson
2023 Summer Display Center of Case (photos are in order from the back of the case
Copy of photo of McMurran Clock Bell from 1963 PICKET article (April)
McMurran Hall decorative plate from 1980's
Display title and sources (center of display)
Photos taken by Ms. Rhonda Donaldson
What can buildings tell us about the places we live? Which ones are instantly recognizable? Why are they so well-known? What types of structures exist in your local area that have significance due to historical, social, legendary, or familial events? How were they built? Rebuilt? Reused? Are they abandoned? Destroyed? What was their original purpose? Has the purpose changed?
These questions can be explored through examining newspapers, blueprints, architectural drawings or models, through written accounts, deeds, estate records, maps and other records.
Shepherd University's History department has a Historic Preservation concentration that explores these questions and record types.
From the back of the case to the front:
Print of and poem on "The Old Town Clock" from 1930's PICKET)
Section Illustration from 1951 yearbook by J. F. "Chick" Thompson
1972 Centennial Coin
Shepherd University seal (created in 2004)
Shepherd University Full Time Service Pin (5 year)