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Shepherd University's Archives and Special Collections: Reading Room Display Spring2025--WestCampus

Timeline--West Campus

1915-Miller Hall (girls dorm) constructed and named by the residents

1915- "The Cottage" is mentioned; this is the President's Cottage, no longer extant, that housed the head administrator and family (photo 1923 yrbook)

1924-Fairfax Field named

1964-Purchase of Potts Farm, including Popodicon estate

1970-Thacher and Shaw Halls dedicated

1981-Fine Arts Festival held in honor of Fine Arts Building (Frank Arts) completion

1984-Cornerstone (with time capsule) laid for West Woods residences

1987-Butcher Center started

1989-Butcher Center completed; West Woods halls construction starts

1992-West Woods and Butcher Center dedicated

2005-Birch and Maple Apartments built (these are now Dunlop and Printz)

2008-CCA I dedicated

2009-Wellness Center open

2013-CCA 2 and Rt 480 Underpass dedicated

2017-Potomac Place open

2019-Carl F Bell Arboretum dedicated

Display-- Left Side

1915- Miller Hall and President's Cottage

1924- Fairfax Field named

1964-Potts Farm (and Popodiccon) obtained


Contemporary American Theater Festival (CATF)



The Marinoff Theater is one of Shepherd University's dedicated areas for sharing theater with the wider world and is the main venue for the Contemporary American Theater Festival (CATF)

Allied  with (and an outgrowth of) the Shepherd University theater department, CATF runs at Shepherd University during the month of July each year (2020 excepted and 2021 in modified form) since its inception in the 1990's by Mr. Ed Herendeen.  

CATF's Foundation has a website: where more information can be obtained about the festival, its history, and the upcoming season.

Shepherd University Archives has CATF scripts from 1991-2005 seasons available for examination by appointment.

Wood and Field: West Campus Growth, 1915-2025



Spring term's display, titled "Wood and Field: West Campus Growth, 1915-2025" showcases the acquisition and growth of West Campus from the first girls' dorm (Miller Hall) to the inclusion of an arboretum that honors the memory of a Shepherd icon, Dr. Carl F Bell, who taught botany for many, many years. West Campus's growth occurred in irregular stages, but it now has not only residence and recreation spaces but areas for learning and self-expression.

Come find out where the presidents of Shepherd lived prior to Popodicon; view a photo showing a building’s cornerstone ready to be laid; and find out interesting facts about West Campus!


Photos of the Display--SpringTerm


Display Photos-Center

All contents are listed from the back of the case to the front

 Display Title and Sources

2019-Carl F Bell Arboretum--display center

1970-Shaw and Thacher residence halls dedicated








As West Campus grew in the early  and mid-2000's, so did the use of Tabler Farm, purchased in 1991, for its intended purpose: providing students experience with hands'-on learning.

Student Farm




Display--Right Side

2017- Potomac Place (residence hall) open (teapot)

2013-Center for Contemporary Arts (CCA) II (Marinoff Theater) open

2012-Dunlop and Printz Halls dedicated

2009-Wellness Center

2008-Center for Contemporary Arts (CCA) I

1984-West Woods (Moler, Yost, etc) cornerstone laying

1987-Butcher Center construction starts (basketball)

1981- Frank Arts (trumpet)

SUA Items and Collections Related to the Display

Photo Credits

All photographs in this display were taken by Ms.Denise Kretzmer.