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The Things...
Things to Watch
- Responding to Racial Bias and Microaggressions in Online Environments Frank Harris III & J. Luke Wood with CORA Learning (70 minutes)
- Turning Tensions and Conflict into Creative Engagement Paul Horton (55 minutes)
- Safeguarding Quality, Equity, & Inclusion as Learning Moves On-line AAC&U requires free account set- up (60 minutes)
- Asking the Right Questions Now: Preparing for the Next Chapter of Digital Learning NROC (60 minutes)
- #COVID-19 ASL Video Series Center for Disease Control (times vary)
- The Power of Vulnerability Brene Brown for TEDxHouston (20 minutes)
- COVID-19 Information Session for Seattle College Employees Christel Olsen, Environmental Health & Safety Manager for Seattle Colleges (90 minutes, starts at 6:00)
- Trauma Informed Pedagogy: Teaching in Uncertain Times Mays Imad for MAGNA Publications (1 hour, 45 minutes) password: trauma372
- Lifeboat Strategies for Student Success & Retention Tish Lopez, South Seattle College (90 minutes)
- Panopto Creator Training for SBCTC (70 minutes)
- Basic Starfish Navigation for Seattle Colleges (5 minutes)
- The Importance of Equity-Minded Virtual Practices During COVID19: A Conversation with Students USC Center for Urban Education (90 minutes)
- Equity-Minded Online Teaching: Using Canvas as a Model Jennifer Ortiz for USC Center for Urban Education (90 minutes)
- Being Aware of Learning Opportunities and Constraints Posed by Online Teaching and Moving Towards Anti-Racist Practices Sharla Berry and Sim Barhoum for USC Center for Urban Education (80 minutes)
Things To Read
- On-line Learning: Designing for Engagement and Collaboration Olivia Vagelos for IdeoU
- ‘We Know How to Be Racist. We Know How to Pretend to Be Not Racist. Now Let’s Know How to be Antiracist.’ Valerie Strauss, Washington Post
- The Dialogic Organization Development Approach to Transformation and Change Gervase R. Bushe and Robert J. Marshak
- The Unplanned Organization: Learning From Nature’s Emergent Creativity Margaret Wheatley, Noetic Sciences Review #37 Spring 1996
- Influencing Across Distance: 3 Strategies for Impact Sacha Connor for IdeoU
- ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies Tracy Francis and Fernanda Hoefel, November 2018, McKinsey & Co.
- 11 Pitfalls of Remote Work and How To Avoid Them IdeoU
- Zoom Exhaustion is Real. Here Are Six Ways to Find Balance and Stay Connected Steven Hickman
- Trauma-Informed Practices for Postsecondary Education: A Guide Shannon Davidson, PhD, Education Northwest
- How to Respond to Racial Microaggressions When They Occur J. Luke Wood and Frank Harris III, Diverse Education
- What 5 Colleges Learned from Implementing Guided Pathways Natalie Schwartz, EducationDIVE
Things To Do
- Go outside: walk, ride a bike, fly a kite
- Listen to the Creative Confidence Podcast, conversations on leadership and design thinking (available on Apple, Soundcloud, and Spotify)
- Review Activities for Remote Collaboration. Create your own remote activity to share with your team.
- Listen to a podcast on self-care or stress-management: Untangle, The Pineapple Project, The One You Feed, Happy Place, H.E.R Space: Uplifting Conversations for the Black Woman, Radio Headspace, Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations, The Thrive Global Podcast.
- Download and try a meditation app: Calm, Aura, Smiling Mind, buddhify, Headspace, Sattva, Insight Timer, 10% Happier: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics.
- Complete the Implicit Bias Self-Inventory
- Practice yoga or do simple stretches.
- Create a Service Blueprint to generate solutions for operational sticking points and slowdowns.
- Access on-line recovery or mental health support: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Al-Anon, National Association on Mental Illness.