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Monograph Deselection Project

Dear Faculty,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an upcoming library project that requires your attention and support. We are embarking on a monograph deselection project to maintain a relevant and dynamic collection.

Due to spatial constraints and the need to create room for new acquisitions, we must assess and potentially remove certain items from our collection. We understand the significance of each department’s research subject matter and are committed to maintaining a robust selection. Therefore, we want to work closely with faculty to identify items that may hold particular importance despite meeting the deselection criteria. We request your help in determining items that should remain in the collection.

A LibGuide for this project has been created to provide more information and house the spreadsheets for review. This LibGuide includes tabs for each main class of the Library of Congress Classification system and links to the corresponding shared spreadsheets. Items on the deselection spreadsheets have been filtered to meet the following criteria:

  • Publication Date:
    • We will evaluate monographs published over ten years ago that may meet other deselection criteria.
  • Circulation Statistics:
    • Monographs that have circulated ≤3 times since their addition to the collection are being considered for deselection.

We ask you to review these spreadsheets and provide input for items to remain or be removed. Many items on this list in certain subject areas are outdated. The deselection process will be handled meticulously to preserve the integrity of our collection and support the academic needs of our faculty and students. Detailed criteria for the retention and deselection of materials are available on the Monograph Deselection Project under “Materials Evaluation & Deselection Guidelines.”

Your input and guidance would be highly appreciated to ensure the deselection process aligns with the department's academic goals. Please feel free to reach out with any concerns or suggestions.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Best regards,

Tara Carlisle, MLIS

Collection Development Librarian

Scarborough Library rm. 252

Shepherd University
