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Past Displays from the Archive Reading Room: From the Archive Reading Room-- Fall_and_Summer2023_Turner

Timeline--Ella May Turner

1895-Graduate SC

1907-Hired as Associate Librarian; also taught Science and Preparatory Mathematics

1913-Head of English Department

1917-Alumni Association creates Student Loan Fund (a "scholarship"); adds $50 every year

1922-College yearbook dedicated to Miss Turner

1930-Published book on James Rumsey

1936-1938 Articles in PICKET mention or describe her summer trips over these years

1945-Retirement of Miss Ella May Turner

1958-Memorial Scholarship in her name created and administered by SC Foundation

1961-Turner Hall dedicated

Photos of the Display--Top Left


1922 Cohongoroota (College Yearbook) Photo and Biography

 This yearbook is dedicated to Miss Turner by the students who created it.

Photos of the Display--Bottom Left

Issue of  the Magazine of the Jefferson County Historical Society

Issue of Magazine of the Jefferson County Historical Society

  • Text on label reads: "1927 Member of Jefferson County Historical Society, founded by AD Kenamond, colleague and fellow local historian. Miss Turner served as Recording Secretary for 16 years."

Ella May Turner


This term's display is a celebration of Miss Ella May Turner, one of Shepherd College's most famous instructors and emeritus faculty; she served as a librarian and instructor of English. Miss Turner was also an amateur historian, a writer, a world traveler, and a dedicated alumna of Shepherd College, interested in the students and their welfare.




Photos of the Display--Top Center

Article on Miss Turner_post-retirement_and_her book on James Rumsey, steamboat pioneer, published in 1930

Information cards about Ms. Turner, newspaper article titled "Women's Hall at Shepherd to take Miss Turner's Name," and a copy of the book JAMES RUMSEY PIONEER IN STEAM NAVIGATION

  • Text on labels reads: "1895 Graduated Shepherd College" and "1907-1945: Length of Shepherd College career. Head of English department from 1913 until her retirement."

Photos of the Display--Bottom Center

image of Queen Mary ship model_ a tea cup_ a pile of dollar bills_ JAMES RUMSEY book_ and information

Copy of Queen Mary ship model from a website and label, JAMES RUMSEY book cover image and information label, pile of dollar bills and label

  • Text on information labels read: "1936-1938 Summer trips to Europe (1936-1938 by ship) and Mexico (1937 overland),"
  • (below cup, not in photo) "Tea cup and saucer Miss Turner hosted tea parties honoring Shepherd classes(seniors, frshmen)"
  • "1930 Wrote book on James Rumsey and his steamboat; it is still one of the definitive works on Mr Rumsey," 
  • (beside the dollar bills) "1958 Named scholarship created from Miss Turner's estate",
  • (under the dollar bills) "1917: Alumni Association starts a Scholarship Fund; Miss Turner adds $50 each year"


Miss Turner devoted her life and her talents to teaching, to scholarship, and to providing students with a foundation in one of the primary liberal arts. She was also a former student of Shepherd College, so in her years of service she also provided a living historical record for several decades.

 In 1960, a memorial plaque in Knutti outside "her" classroom was put up. Her colleague,  Dean (Emeritus) A D Kenamond, performed the unveiling.



Archives Items Related to the Display

Photos of the Display--Top Right

STORIES AND VERSE OF WEST VIRGINIA_Ella May Turner_information label_ program at dedication of Turner Hall

STORIES AND VERSE OF WEST VIRGINIA Ella May Turner and Dedication of Turner Hall program (1961)

  • Text on labels read: "Editor and compiler of book on West Virginia poets and authors;first edition 1923, revised 1925; enlarged, 1940"
  • (on program) "1961 Turner Hall dedicated"


Photo Credits

All photos were taken by Ms. Denise Kretzmer