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Past Displays from the Archive Reading Room: From the Archive Reading Room--Spring2020_WorldWarII

President White

President W H S White is the second-longest serving chief administrator of Shepherd College. He served as president from 1920 until summer 1948.

President White saw the campus through World War II and the Great Depression before that. He (and his administration) wrote (and received) letters from servicemen, usually alumni, faculty or current students serving in the armed forces.

Display in the Archive Reading Room

Display in Archive Reading Room showing photos and letters from Shepherd College students and alumni duringWWII

This display is a snapshot of Shepherd College during World War II. The college catalog from 1942 shows a practice ship (an airplane simulator) because Shepherd College had an aviation course during the war. I included a few photos from before the war in the display because they show "home life": family, fellow classmates, and having fun here at Shepherd; even during the war, life went on. Come view the dedication of Snyder Hall, read the copies of letters from three servicemen, and see how the war affected Shepherd College. 

From the Archive--President White: His Written Works

President White wrote a great deal during his presidential term. Almost all of what the archive has of his work, however, aside from what is in the WWII scrapbook, precedes 1940. Still, two of his works showcase his interests: the education of future teachers and the local community of which his family was a part.


Some phases of the normal school and teacher training problems in West Virginia

Fraternal organizations in Jefferson County, West Virginia

World War II Scrapbook

In 1946, the head librarian of Shepherd College sent out a letter inviting vets from the war to share memorabilia, especially letters, photos or clippings in a scrapbook; only one was crafted. It is incredibly fragile and therefore will not leave the archive.

Shepherd College World War II Scrapbook

Please contact Ms. Marshall, the Special Collections Librarian, if you wish to view this scrapbook.