This research guide is a starting point for the study of William Shakespeare and his works with a focus on his plays more than the poetry.
The tabs in this guide are as follows:
In Our Collection: This section describes what types of books the library has on Shakespeare and his works as well as selections from our DVD and music collections.
Journals and Databases: This section provides starting points for locating (mostly) periodical literature (articles, newspapers, and a few specialized journals) about Shakespeare's writing, life, and Elizabethan or Renaissance society, thought, and practices.
Websites and Online Multimedia: A selection of websites and online multimedia ( podcasts, games, and videos) that are Shakespeare-related.
Shakespeare’s starting LC Call number is PR 2753. Here will be located his written works and productions of his works in different formats, criticism concerning that work, biographies, debates, and other secondary literature about Shakespeare and his influence on the English language, drama, and society. Every single play has its own unique call number.
ex. All's Well that Ends Well PR 2801
Shakespeare's work(as well as that of his contemporaries and the dramatic works of previous centuries) is often performed at Shepherd University by the campus drama group, Rude Mechanicals.