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Shakespeare : In Our Collection

Reminder About Shakespeare's Call Number

Shakespeare's works begin at PR 2753. Individual plays have their personal call number.

ex. All's Well that Ends Well PR 2801

In Our Collection

In Our Collection is a page for works held in Scarborough Library. Below, you will find "galleries" full of books (including e-books), music CDs, and DVDs that share William Shakespeare's work with the world. Several types of materials are included. These types are:

  • Performances (stage productions, movies, ballets, operas, etc.) of Shakespeare's works or interpretations of those works, including musical settings to songs or poetry he wrote
  • Shakespeare's Work The written work of William Shakespeare, dramatic and poetic; these works can be collected or individual. Each of the dramatic works (plays) has its own separate call number.
  • Reference Works These include indexes, concordances, dictionaries, subject specific-encyclopedias and atlases about Shakespeare, his works, and his world
  • Literary Criticism These works discuss, explain, explore, and examine the works of the author based on research; topics can include themes, characters, social roles and perspectives, and literary theories
  • Adaptations and Retellings These works include different forms (graphic novels, children's versions, prose) or works of drama, fiction or poetry that derive or are adapted from Shakespeare's works, including written, musical, or audio-visual.


All the World's A Stage (DVDs of Shakespeare Canon and Literary Criticism)

Shakespeare on the Staff (Music CDs)

Modern Retellings and Madcap Revels

Subject Guide

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Frances Marshall
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