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Computer Science and Engineering: Patents, Standards and Technical Reports



Patents can be searched through individual patent office.

United States Patent and Trademark Office  

European Patent Office 

World Intellectual Property Organization  

Technical Reports

Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL)

A collaborative project to digitize, archive, and provide persistent and unrestricted access to federal technical reports issued prior to 1975 as well as more recent reports.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
The National Technical Information Service serves as the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today.

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®)
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®) serves the DoD community as the largest central resource for DoD and government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today .



Many academic institutions host their own repositories of faculty and student research. In addition to dissertations and theses, institutional repositories often contain technical reports, datasets, conference papers and other files associated with conference presentations. The following is a list of some of the more robust institutional Computer Science repositories.

Computer Laboratory Technical Reports - Cambridge University  

Hundreds of PhD theses and other technical reports from Cambridge University’s Computer Laboratory. The repository contains current documents and extends back to the 1970s.

Virginia Tech Computer Science Technical Reports  

Virginia Tech’s repository of Computer Science technical reports holds over 600 documents written between 1973 and the present.

Computer Science Technical Reports - Iowa State University  

This repository holds approximately 250 technical reports, with the best represented areas of inquiry being Computer-Communication Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages and Software Engineering.

Carnegie Mellon Research Showcase  

Carnegie Mellon’s institutional repository contains conference proceedings, working papers and technical reports, and theses in four separate collections relevant to Computer Science and Engineering.

DSpace at MIT  

The part of the MIT institutional repository dedicated to their Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) contains approximately 2,500 papers and reports written between 1959 and the present.

Columbia Academic Commons  

Approximately 1,500 documents related to Computer Science and Computer Engineering, including Columbia dissertations, articles, datasets, and technical reports.

University of Capetown CS Document Archive  

The repository holds over 400 documents written between 1987 and the present, including copies of published articles and book chapters, “departmental technical reports”, theses and dissertations, conference papers and conference posters.